Get On The Road To A New Career With LDA Instructor Training

In a 2022 survey, a third of UK employees said that they were unhappy in their jobs, with many expressing a desire to escape the daily grind and work for themselves. A career as a driving instructor allows you to earn a competitive salary while setting your own hours to fit in with responsibilities such as childcare – or simply more time for the things that you enjoy doing.

What is driving instructor training?

Working as a driving instructor involves a lot of responsibility and, as such, you will need professional training in order to pass three ADI core assessments. You will also need to have held a full clean driving license for at least three years and be over the age of 21. It should go without saying that you’ll also need to be good with people as you’ll be teaching a wide range of students from teens to pensioners.

Why train with LDA, Oxford UK?

Founded in 2010, we’re proud to be able to put more safe drivers on Oxfordshire’s roads than any other instructor academy. We offer comprehensive instructor training at extremely competitive prices to put you behind the wheel of your new career as quickly as possible. Our training package includes:
● Full support throughout the three ADI modules as well as feedback
● Free use of practice vehicles
● Access to our PDI buddy system
● Additional support from renowned trainers in the industry either online or by Zoom
Unlike other instructor academies, our support doesn’t stop at getting you through your ADI tests. After passing the first two modules and 40 hours of training, you’ll be eligible to apply for a pink badge which will allow you to provide lessons ahead of full qualification (green badge). Once you’re in possession of your pink badge, we’ll continue to support you during your work with students – and our support continues until after you’ve gained your green badge.

Starting your driver training journey in the UK

Starting a new career can be daunting and you’ll no doubt have lots of questions. Our support team is on hand to walk you through the process of becoming a driving instructor and answer any questions you may have so, take the brakes off your career and get in touch today.

How to Become Driving Instructor / Driving Instructor Requirement UK

About Founder of LDA, Oxford UK

Hi, I’m Sayed Sadaat, the founder and manager of LDA, the leading provider of driving instructor training in the UK. I have been an Approved Driving Instructor (ADI) for over 15 years and I’m passionate about helping people become safe and confident drivers.

I started LDA in Oxford in 2010, with a vision to offer high-quality and affordable driving lessons to learners of all ages and abilities. Since then, I have grown the company into one of the most successful driving academies in Oxfordshire, with a team of driving experts who share my enthusiasm and dedication.

As well as teaching learners, I also specialise in training for driving instructors. I believe that comprehensive and forward-thinking training is the key to producing great instructors who can pass on their skills and knowledge to the next generation of drivers. That’s why I have developed a multi award winning driving instructor training programme that covers all aspects of the job, from theory and practical tests to business and marketing skills.

Becoming a driving instructor is a great way of becoming your own boss and enjoying a flexible and rewarding career. You can set your own hours, choose your own clients, and earn a good income while making a positive difference in people’s lives. Whether you want to start from scratch or upgrade your existing qualifications, I can help you achieve your goals and become a Grade A instructor.

I’m not only a driving instructor, but also a lifelong learner. I hold a certification in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), which helps me communicate effectively and tailor my teaching methods to suit different learning styles. I’m also currently studying Politics and International Relations at Oxford Ruskin College, as I’m interested in the world around me and how it affects us.

When I’m not working or studying, I like to relax by watching football, reading books, travelling to new places, and socialising with friends and family.

If you are looking for a friendly and professional driving instructor trainer in Oxfordshire who can help you achieve your dream of becoming a driving instructor, look no further than LDA. I’ll be with you every step of the way on this exciting journey. Contact me today and let’s get started!

Kev Field – Oxford, UK

There are 41.3 million registered vehicles in the UK today and so producing safe drivers is more important than ever before. Driving has always been my passion and, during my career, I’ve been behind the wheel of everything from a forklift truck to an articulated lorry, having gained my HGV license at the tender age of 21. My passion for driving led me to devote my career to driving instructor training in the UK.

Become a Driving Instructor in Oxford - Kev Field

Become a Driving Instructor in Oxford – Kev Field

My love of driving and passion for helping others to become safe and confident drivers led me to train with the Coaching Academy and, in my capacity as a Personal Development & Business Coach, I’m able to combine my qualifications as an instructor and ADI trainer with the tools needed to help others improve their driving confidence. Even after passing their test, many people suffer a lack of confidence when driving – for example; 1 in 7 motorists say that they are nervous about driving on motorways. I’m proud to be able to help clients overcome their fears and become super-confident drivers.

Great drivers do, of course, begin with great instructors and I’m committed to delivering the best possible learning experience for LDA’s driving instructor trainees. As well as being a registered Grade A ORDIT instructor, I’m a Driver Metrics trainer and one of only a handful of people to have delivered the BTEC4 on behalf of the Tri-coaching Partnership.

If you’re ready to train to be a driving instructor, what are you waiting for? LDA’s driving instructor courses in Oxfordshire offer flexible payment plans as well as lessons to fit in with your other responsibilities such as work and childcare.

Khalid Aziz – Oxford, UK

I became an ADI (Approved Driving Instructor) for LDA in 2016 and it was the best decision I ever made; in fact, I only wish I’d started my ADI journey sooner. As an ADI, I’ve been able to reset my work / life balance as the flexibility of the role allows me to choose my own working hours – which means more time for family and never missing those important appointments, school events and holidays. Having been born and raised in Oxford, LDA was the obvious choice for me and I’m proud to be part of such a supportive driving instructor training centre in my local area.LDA Oxford - How to become a driving instructor in Oxford, UK

If you’re worried about the cost of becoming a driving instructor, LDA offers some great payment options and the driving instructor training is so flexible that you can even work it around your current job.

There’s plenty of information on the LDA website for you to peruse but, if you want the lowdown on what it’s like to become a PDI / ADI, don’t hesitate to get in touch and I’ll be happy to guide you through the process.